Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Convention tour update: CGS Supershow!

This weekend it's Comic Geek Speak's SUPERSHOW!
Over 100 artist including myself, Dennis Calero, Mike Norton, Katie Cook , Lee Weeks and Walter and Louise Simonson!

Show Hours

Saturday: 10:00 - 6:00

Sunday: 10:00 - 5:00

2525 N. 12th Street, Reading, PA 19605
Phone: 610-898-9900
Fax: 610-898-8502

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Days Inn adventure!

So the family took a little trip down to beautiful....sunny...... Orlando, Florida? Okay so it wasn't so sunny while we were there, but Florida itself is very nice. The trip, which actually started for me tossing up my cookies while hitting massive turbulence on the flight down, was fun for the most part. I really enjoyed appearing at MegaCon, much to the surprise of many people who didn't know I was there. However it's the last night we were in Orlando that I speak.
So we were staying at the Days Inn, and were getting some sleep after a long day of packing and getting ready for the second leg of our trip. Around 2:30 am I was awoken from a deep sleep by the sound of glass breaking. I didn't think much of it at the time, until I heard another crash. The sounds increased , waking everyone in the room (except Catie). My Mother, who was with us said "It sounds like it's next door.!" I got up from my bed and peered through the curtains to see if I could see anything but didn't. Then suddenly we heard a thud, followed by more glass breaking. Everyone was on edge as Karine called the front desk only to be told that they new what was going on and the police were on their way.
Finally after about ten minutes the police showed up. It was like listening to an episode of "Cops". After about five minutes, things became quiet and the rest of the guest on our floor started to come out of their rooms. I walked out of my room door and peered around the corner to see this..

Apparently he and his girlfriend had been in town for a Tony Robbins motivational speach.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Catie update!

I realized that since we restarted the blog I haven't posted any new Catherine photos! Here she is, wearing the company colors.

Monday, March 8, 2010

First Show of the Year!

I'll be attending Megacon this weekend! It's my first apperance of the year and my first time in Florida in over a decade. I'll be at table Orange # 10. Show hours are :
Friday March 12th, 2010: 12pm-7pm

Saturday March 13th, 2010: 10am-6pm

Sunday March 14th, 2010: 10am-5pm