Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Early reviews are in for Molly Danger Book one

The Leauge Comic book podcast

Major Spoilers podcast

Secret Identity podcast


"This sounds like a lot of gushing, and that’s because it is. I think that this first quarter of Molly’s story is amazingly well-told and well-illustrated. But I also think it’s capital-I important. Mr. Igle set out to be the change he wanted to see in an industry that’s given up wonder and joy for darkness and cynicism. He could have written snarky op-eds and complained on comics news sites. Instead, he created a character that could inspire his own little girl while still remaining just as dynamic, exciting and heroic as the boys.

This is work worth doing and worth supporting. And if you don’t think so, then we probably can’t be friends anymore."-Joshua Unruh, Bookgasm.com


"I reviewed Molly Danger #1 on this week's podcast! Did I like it? Listen to find out! (p.s. LOVED it). :) - "Jimmy Aquino, Comic News Insider

"The bottom line? The tag line for “Molly Danger” is spot on – she IS “the hero you’ve been waiting for”. Keep an eye out for the “World’s Most Powerful 10 Year-Old” – and talk to your LCS now about ordering “Molly Danger”!" -Ed Garett, TM Smash

"All in all this 54 pager serves as a great introduction, with a lot more Molly than danger. Nevertheless, it does a great job in showing us this fun, youthful, yet emotionally troubled, character. Molly Danger is the type of character young comic readers could relate to, whilst the older generation is left longing to give her guidance. But young or old, prepare yourself to be blown away by some truly stunning visuals." -Byron Hendricks, Fortress of Solitude

"Jamal Igle set out to create a hero which reflected girls back to themselves. Not as sexualized objects of fan service, nor an attempt at equality by making a female mirror to an established male figure, but as a her own interesting personality. Not only does Molly take a much-needed shot at established masculine paradigms, but Jamal has set out to challenge the cynicism which seems to pervade sophisticated comics."- Shawn Mohr, geekyuniverse.com


"There’s a lot of fun to be had in this first volume as we discover who Molly is and what she stands for, while simultaneously setting up the plot to future events. I had the biggest smile on my face throughout, and anxiously await the second book. Be sure to pick up a copy when it hits stores this October, or read it now on ComiXology." -Cameron Hathaway, Bleedingcool.com
http://www.bleedingcool.com/2013/08/04/molly-danger-2/?fb_action_ids=10151764064183257&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582"If you feel like the comics industry is missing earnest, fun books that are good for all ages I implore you to go the kickstarter below and reserve yourself a copy. The character dynamics here are more satisfying than the this ostensibly action packed title would initally suggest, the art is pleasantly vibrant, and Jamal and his partners deserve the attention. In fact, what stands out the most here in this successfully kickstarted creator owned work is the heart, which is worn on its pages. "-Dr. Fluxx-Feeditcomics.com

"Molly Danger: Book One doesn’t just provide satisfying, entertaining, and dynamic story in its own right, but it also promises a larger narrative in future books. Igle clearly has a plan for Molly and her battle against the SuperMechs, and if Book One is any indication, it will most certainly be a good one."-Joey Braccino, talkingcomics.com

http://talkingcomicbooks.com/2013/08/molly-danger-book-one-advance-review/"The book has its pleasures for the adult reader who misses the kind of comic where a kid fights a caveman and a brain in a jar. Talking animals and robots cannot be far behind. If you have ever read Invincible and thought, “Gosh, I wish everyone in this book wasn’t gushing blood from holes made in their skin by several broken bones”—in other words, if you have ever read an issue of Invincible—you will probably find something inMolly Danger that speaks to you. The characters are relatable, likeable, and behave more or less like recognizable human beings."-
Jim Mroczkowski, Ifanboy.com

"Ultimately that’s what I feel the book is getting at: what’s it really mean to be human, and to be a human girl, at that? Issues with identity are ones that we struggle with from the time we hit grade school until …well, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have questions about who they really are, to be honest, and that’s exactly what puts this book squarely in the all-ages category for me. Rather than being something cute and sweet that we can all enjoy because we all remember being young, it’s a much more serious take on experiences we all share, at all ages of life." -Jaydot Stone, the Marysue.com

"Very rarely do we get superhero comics that exude with passion for the genre, but Jamal Igle not only showed his passion, he also proved that he is worthy of joining the ranks of Robert Kirkman and Ed Brubaker in the ranks of legendary superhero authors. Molly Danger is a thrill from the very first page. If you believe that all superhero comics are the same repeated idea over and over again, then this is the book for you. Actually, if you are literate in any sense, this is the book for you."- Ronnie McNutt,