Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hero Initiative Auction

Hi guys!
I have a piece of artwork that's being auctioned by the fine folks at the Hero initiative who get 100% of the proceeds.
The Hero Initiative creates a financial safety net for comic creators who may need emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work. Since inception, the Hero Initiative has been fortunate enough to benefit over 40 creators and their families with over $400,000 worth of much-needed aid, fueled by your contributions! It's a chance for all of us to give back something to the people who have given us so much enjoyment.

Make with the clicky clik here JAMAL IGLE Firestorm #15 2-page spread, pp. 2-3 - 290527037472 and let's give back to those who've given us so much.

Which cons will you attend in 2011?

Feb 19: Big Apple Marketplace, March 18-20th: C2E2, Apri 17th: Albany Comic-con, June 3-5: Heroe Con, July 21st-24th :CCI: San Diego, August 20-21st: Baltimore Comic-con, October 14th-16th 2011:NYCC

Ask me anything

Friday, January 21, 2011

up next: Zatanna #9!

So if you hadn't already heard, I'm taking over as the penciller of the DC comics series Zatanna with issue #11, but what I didn't mention is that I also drew an 8 page back up story in Zatanna 3 9 written by Adam Beechen of Batman Beyond fame and inked by my Tangent:Superman's Reign inker, Robin Riggs
the issue will be in stores on Wednsday, lead story by Paul Dini and Cliff Chiang

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

C2E2 Commission list open February 1st.

The Prices are thus:

Blank covers $100
Head $100
Head and Torso $200 Black and white $250 with some color
Single figure with minimal background $400 and $500 with some color.

Tasteful nudity is okay, and I reserve tthe right to refuse any request.
Contact me directly at jamalyigle@hotmail.com

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What was the worst moment in comics that you've read?

Jason Todd's death. It was so brutal.

Ask me anything

Top 5 ACTIVE artists that inspire you?

Stuart Immomen, Alan Davis, Gary Frank, Ivan Reis and Olivier Coipel

Ask me anything

Would be a great choice to star in a Supergirl movie?

Ooh, good question. A few years ago i would have gone with Elisha Cuthbert. I would want her to be young or young looking so maybe Britt Robertson from "Life Unexpected."

Ask me anything

How much does format and dimension matter to you as a reader? If a comic is a square format (or anything other then traditional) does that actually effect your reading experience? Enhance it? No big deal? VIva diversity?

Not really, the only thing that takes me out of the experience is bad panel flow, or a disregard for new readers visually.

Ask me anything

The cover you drew for Supergirl 36 in 2009 is beautiful and intriguing. It makes her look like a 13 year old. It speaks of an innocence I've only seen with Mary Marvel. I'd love to see more of it. Any chance the character or art will linger on that?

I didn't draw that cover, that was the incredibly talented josh Middleton. It is pretty cool though.

Ask me anything

I love that Rockwell/Ross look that you bring to your work. The nature of the Genre gives it plenty of fantasy and exaggeration. Thanks for giving us the excellent quality and expression of emotion that helps us connect with the characters.

Thank you very much.

Ask me anything

What's your favorite comic book related film... not necessarily the "best" or best made film but what you love to watch over and over again? Your personal favorite.

Superman the Movie.

Ask me anything

Monday, January 3, 2011

Have you ever met a rookie artist at a convention, and found their work so pro level to the point, you helped or tried to get them noticed by your present publisher?

Yes. Chris Dibari who is now working for Top Cow, Steve Walker the artist on the graphic novel series "Sons of Liberty" for Random House. I've come across more than a few people that i've recommended for work.

Ask me anything

What was your favorite moment to draw during your Supergirl run?

one of my faorite images to draw was this one http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/110/e/5/supergirl_50_page_6_by_JamalIgle1.jpg

Ask me anything

Is there any particular writer you've been dying to work with?

More than one, Geoff Johns, Jason Aaron, Ed Brubaker, Matt Sturges, Matt Fraction, Gail Simone, Paul Storrie, Paul Jenkins, Kurt Busiek, Paul Tobin. it's a long list and it gets longer. I'm greedy, I want to work with all of the good writers. I've been lucky and have worked with mostly A- list writers my entire career.

Ask me anything

Why does your cat got a french name?

Because my wife brought him over with her from France.

Ask me anything

What is your favorite song?

Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

Ask me anything


I'll be taking on commissions again for the first time in three years. I'll be doing them on a limited basis maybe two a month starting this month you can get more information at Cadence Comic Art or hit the original art link on this very blog.

Blank covers $100
Head $100
Head and Torso $200 Black and white $250 with some color
Single figure with minimal background $400 and $500 with some color.
Full color $600
Full "cover/pin up" commission $1000 Black and white multiple characters and full background 11x17
"Double page spread multiple characters and full Background $2000
Contact either myself at Jamalyigle@hotmail.com or Paolo Belefiore at Paolo@cadencecomicart.com

About Me

My photo
One of the most popular and prolific pencillers in the comic book industry, Jamal Igle is an award winning artist and writer. Best known for his run on Supergirl with writer Sterling Gates, Jamal has been a professional jack of all trades for nearly 20 years, drawing every title from Action Comics to Zatanna for DC Comics. A former comics retailer, Editor for several small press companies including TV Comics, Airwave Comics and Destination Entertainment. Former Junior Art Director and Marketing rep in the Advertising and publishing arenas. Jamal's clients include Marvel Comics, image Comics, Dark Angel productions/ Simmons and Company, Devil's Due Studios, Crusade Entertainment, Walt Disney inc., Sony Television, CBS Television and Scholastic Entertainment. Jamal has also worked as a conceptional artist for the Toy and gaming industries as well as film and television. Jamal is married to his beautiful, and much smarter wife Karine.They're also the proud parents of an extremely cute child named Catherine and a Cat named Loustique