So as some of you know, I live in a part of Brooklyn New York, which wasn't hit as badly as some other parts of the city. There was some damage, as you can see, from downed trees on a lot of blocks. We were extremely lucky ourselves, we had no damage to the house itself, no flooding and we never lost power. Some other friends weren't quite so lucky. Lower Manhattan as of this writing is still without power. Parts of the neighborhoods have burned down in Queens. It will be sometime before the city is anywhere close to normal but New Yorkers are resilient.
So when it came to Halloween, I was determined (Along with a lot of other parents) to not let the storm ruin what was left of the holiday for our kids.
The first order of business was a shave and a haircut. I hadn't shaved or trimmed my beard in several months, so it was due anyway.
Catie wanted to wear the Supergirl costume we bought her last Halloween so I decided to dress up as the Marlon Brando Version of Jor-EL from Superman the movie
The "wand' is made of acrylic with a very powerful flashlight attached. I'd say it was a success considering how obscure it seems now to kids but a lot of the adults knew.
Although one woman thought I was dressed as Jesus...

The most important part was "The Haul"..the giant bag of candy that Catie came home with, some she devoured before we reached the house and was spinning around like a can in a paint mixer for an hour.
Halloween was a success.
Great photos! You made an awesome Jor-El. Glad you survived Sandy.