Between 4-8 hours depending on the complexity. I can usually draw a page to two pages a day.
Table of contents
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tired question... New Year's Resolutions? Have any?
1. To lose 20 more lbs. 2. To take some time for myself and not run myself ragged all the time. 3. To watch my blood pressure.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Will you be at Wondercon next year?
No, It's the same time as another commitment but I will be at San Diego this year.
What would you say are the top 5 things an artist must do to draw dynamic and expressive figures in comics?
1. Observation: watch gymnastics footage, Parkour, acrobats, etc so that you can see how extremely the human body can move.
2.Remember that it's comic books. Walt Disney use to say "All cartoon characters and fables must be exaggeration, caricatures. It is the very nature of fantasy and fable." That means not being afraid to go extreme occasionally for effect.
3. For your characters to be credible, there's a certain amount of acting involved, so study peoples body language and try to replicate that in your work.
4. Watch how faces move, what they're capable of expressing, particularly the eyes.
5.Realism is a trap, unless you're going for that type of stiffness in your work. Even Rockwell and Sargent allowed for a certian amount of fantasy and whimsy in their work.
If you could ask George W. Bush one question what would it be?
No questions. I don't think there would be a satisfying answer that I would accept.
If you're the new full time artist on Zatanna I may have a happy heart attack.
call a paramedic then, LOL
do u have any pets?
An old , cranky, french, cheese and butter croissant eating cat named Loustique
who would you rather sleep with: jessica alba, gwen stefani or lucy liu?
Jessica Alba. Although I wouldn't kick any of them out of bed for eating crackers.
Your art style feels so unique. I think one of the best qualities an artist can have is the ability to express facial reactions and you nail those (especially in Supergirl 59) Can you recommend a good art/drawing book? I've read DC's guide to drawing.
For drawing I recommend I usually recommend dynamic anatomy by Burne Hogarth and any of the anatomy books by George Bridgeman to start. for storytelling basics I usually go with how to draw the Marvel way, Comics and Sequential art by Will Eisner and for more advanced techniques Film directing:Shot by Shot by Stephen D. Katz
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010

Starting in March I will be the series artist of Zatanna!
Written by PAUL DINI
Satanic sorcerer Brother Night lost his magical powers when Zatanna defeated him atop Mount Diablo. But in prison, he’s forged a bloody pact that could make him the most dangerous nemesis she’s ever faced! Last time, her friends barely escaped with their lives; this time, they might not be so lucky!
On sale MARCH 23 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
How many sisters do you have?
Four Rahsanna, Jania, Elizabeth,and Pauline
If there's a Composite Batman-Santa Claus, does that mean there's a Composite Superman-Frosty?
God I hope so! There's your World's Finest team!
When you work on art do you paint the back ground or use markers?
I use markers for commissions, I'm looking to get back into using acrylics when time permits.
When reading an anthology do you hope for a specific theme or do you prefer a mixture of genres/voices?
I actually like different themes. I'm a fan of story, not any specific genre. I read a little bit of everything.
What's your favorite current comic? Non DC book.
New Avengers. It reminds me of justice League international in a good way.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
All-time favorite movie? (also, My 5 year old just said, "Jamal is AWESOME!")
i have two, the Big Sleep and Superman. And tell your 5 year old, "Thank You!"
What was your Favorite Toy as a child?
I had a talking Mork form Ork doll that I adored and then I moved on to the Mego Superman doll.
What's Your All Time Favorite Sci-Fi TV series?
The Six Million Dollar Man
Who's is your favorite person to follow on twitter?
Steve Austin @Steveaustinsbr is a trip to follow
Who is you least favorite charecter to sketch at cons, and who is your favorite?
My least favorite is Deadpool, my favorite is probably Nightwing.
no question just as a Supergirl fan just thank you and good luck in the future to both you and sterling gates.
Thank you very much for supporting the book.
Dave Mazzucchelli or Art Adams
Not a fair comparison but i'll say Mazzuchelli
Monday, December 13, 2010
Who is your favorite actor?
Christian Bale, i've been following his career since "Empire of the Sun". I saw him in the theater then and said"he's going to be a huge star".
Who is your favorite superhero and your favorite supervillain?
Superman and Darkseid
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Vote for Pedro... I mean me!

Newsaram is currently running a "Best of 2010" tournament and I'm up for best comic book artist. If you'd be so kind could you make your way to Newsarama and vote for me. I'd really appreciate it.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Bat-Lisa Commission

A private commission for a fan who wanted a drawing of his wife, a green eyed, red haired librarian as Barbara Gordon/ Batgirl.
Friday, December 3, 2010
About Me
- Jamal Igle
- One of the most popular and prolific pencillers in the comic book industry, Jamal Igle is an award winning artist and writer. Best known for his run on Supergirl with writer Sterling Gates, Jamal has been a professional jack of all trades for nearly 20 years, drawing every title from Action Comics to Zatanna for DC Comics. A former comics retailer, Editor for several small press companies including TV Comics, Airwave Comics and Destination Entertainment. Former Junior Art Director and Marketing rep in the Advertising and publishing arenas. Jamal's clients include Marvel Comics, image Comics, Dark Angel productions/ Simmons and Company, Devil's Due Studios, Crusade Entertainment, Walt Disney inc., Sony Television, CBS Television and Scholastic Entertainment. Jamal has also worked as a conceptional artist for the Toy and gaming industries as well as film and television. Jamal is married to his beautiful, and much smarter wife Karine.They're also the proud parents of an extremely cute child named Catherine and a Cat named Loustique